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You are welcome to attend 2 events before paying the membership dues. Questions? Contact our Membership Coordinator

Charity Acknowledgements

The AWCO is pleased to be acknowledged as a Platinum and Gold Donor for The FAWCO Foundation Target Projects:

Wells for Clean Water: Cambodia.

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Scholarship Application Instructions

  1. Applications must be submitted in English, except where otherwise indicated.

  2.  Applications may be submitted via post or email. To send via post, the application must be printed and mailed to the following address:

    American Women's Club Scholarship Committee
    Fritzners gate 15
    0264 Oslo

    Note that application materials will not be returned.
    To send via email, the application must be sent as a PDF attachment to scholarship@awcoslo.org.

  3.  Applications must be received by the deadline indicated on the Scholarship Announcement page.

  4. Questions about the scholarship and application process should be emailed to scholarship@awcoslo.org.

  5. Applications must contain the following sections:

Educational Background

Please list your most recent education first. Include certified copies of all diplomas, degrees, or certificates received from the universities and/or educational institutions listed. If you have written articles that have been published or presented in any academic publications, please list them on a separate page.

Employment Background

Please list your most recent employment first. Letters of recommendation relating to previous or current employment, projects completed, or other personal achievements should be included.


Study Plans

Please include a detailed description of your study plans. This may include graduate or post-graduate studies intended or planned study projects affiliated with educational or health institutions, etc.


Application Process

Please include the details related to your application process in the United States. If you have received a letter of admission or invitation from an educational institution, please enclose a photocopy. If you have not begun your application, we can recommend that you do so as soon as possible as this process can take several months.



Please enclose a detailed budget for the expenses you will have in connection with your intended study. Please include other grants or stipends you have applied for in your budget.

Residency documentation

Please provide a copy of documentation showing you are a permanent resident in Norway.  


Please include in your application where you learned of our scholarship.

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Contact Us

American Women’s Club of Oslo

Fritzners gate 15

0264 Oslo, Norway

+47 400 42 917



© 2015 AWCO– A FAWCO Member Club | All rights reserved. 

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